Stories of art-making on an old dairy farm in Kansas
Hi there. Came down with Covid this week. While I'm isolating, I thought I'd make use of my upside-down sleep schedule to write a little...

Plan Backup The, Drill The...
Just had a show at Embark Gallery in Fort Mason, thanks to everyone who came to the opening on Feb 5th! Here are a few photos of the...
Mo' Dada Performance
In November, I performed with Matt and Carl Goldberg at the Dada Lounge in downtown SF as part of Mo'Dada Performance night organized as...
Artist Statement for MFA Show
So my MFA show is going on right now at Fort Mason. The following is meant to go along with seeing the show: Alice Combs’ Artist...
Songwriting-ish debut!
I added the only song I've ever made to the "Sounds" page...check it out! Big thanks to Matt and Carl Goldberg for doing everything...
Almost one year ago...
I made a spoof of one of my favorite videos (which is itself a spoof on dry educational videos). Here it is:
Water Color
From a summer 2014 show at the Swell Gallery. Here, I'm combining something I hate with something I love. I hate when I find a colorful...
Animation for a show called "Fill in the _____." (Swell Gallery 9/28/2014 to 10/11/2014) Curated by Megan Armstrong.
Hey there!
Almost done with my first year of grad school, so lots of new pictures are coming to the works section. Check 'em out.
Happy New Years' Eve!
This year has been a trip. I've uploaded some new paintings to my WORKS page. More to come!